The Spinosaurus Smart camera Series from OptoMotive are highly customizable and user
programmable camera using FPGA based high speed smart cameras. Using
Xilix Zynq FPGA and 10 GigE technology this high speed series of cameras
offer High performance ARM system-on-chip (SoC) technology combined with
turbocharged industrial Sony image sensor. With the open user
programmable and customizable open reference design you get high frame
rates, real-time image processing on the FPGA and modern GUI interface
support on the PC side. Other features of this series include:
- TurbochargedSonyPregiusGen3 sensors in Color and monochrome versions.
- User Programmableand reconfigurableFPGA withQuadARM processor Zynq
Ultrascale Plus.
- Freely programmable
- 600GbpsFPGA platform IO bandwidth
- Possible interfaces: 10/40 GigE, USB3.0, 4xPCI or Display Port.
- Exploits maximal capability of the imaging sensor.
- 12 lanes SonySLVS-EC v2.0 ready(5Gbits).
- High Speed H.264 CODEC
- Neural network inference acceleration.
- User programmable image pipe line
- 10GigabitEthernet for fast data transmission
- Delivered in CNC housing or as an OEM board level component.
- Firmware upgradable for new feature additions.
Target applications include:
- Laser Triangulation -PEAK detector and on-board image processing core.
- Motion capture-Blob detector orRunninglength Encoder (RLE) on-board
processing core
- Industrial process automation - count, detect, check, verify, read,
inspect, or test, products, levels, components etc. all at incredible
- Industrial Quality control -Inspect defect, cracks,surface blemishes,
size, position, dimension or color, check for foreign object or general
- General R&D
Option availableinclude - Stereo remote head,RemoteSFP for OEM
applications, C-Mount housing (IP67 option), 3Dmultiline laser
triangulation core,running length image compressor.