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February Newsletter

PI Tech Brief February 2019
28 Feb 19
Last month we explored timers and controllers and introduced the Gardasoft CC320 controller. With 8 independent input/output channels and the ability to individually pulse delay, width and trigger using a range of signals from various components this is a great tool to have in your machine vision lab. We also included a Promo code to get 10% off this great little affordable device in our January posts (if you missed the Promo code, email sales@pyramidimaging to get it). This month we delved into Fluorescence Microscopy, offering basic over-view of the technology and the tools and components that make up a successful Microscopy application. If you missed these articles you can find them on our website in the Knowledge base area; Wrapping up the month we offer our February PI Tech-Briefs. Which you can access from this link. PI Tech Brief February 2019 In the issue: P1. Complex Cell Control: Easier and Less Expensive P2. Product of the Month: Chroma/ PCO P3. Ask Dr. Lee
